Grassroots Naturopathic Medicine Health Clinic

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Ever noticed that when your gut is off, your mood is off? There is a direct link between your gut health, specifically the microbiome, and your mood. Your nutrition plays an important role in your brain health and mood. We know specific nutrients that can help form neurotransmitters, the brain's messengers, and how each can impact mood and brain function.

We have heard a bit about mold exposure, chronic inflammation and MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) – have you also heard of mycotoxin illness. If you’re scratching your head wondering what mycotoxins are, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Let’s dive into it together, shall we?

Ready to chat about a topic that’s been buzzing in the functional medical world: MCAS, aka Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Let’s break it down in the most friendly and informative way possible.

Chronic inflammation can be a major cause of symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, joint and muscle pain,

We have been jamming about digestion this month – are you ready to dish out some tasty info about a topic that might just change the way you think about your diet? Let’s talk about food sensitivity testing. You know, that nifty little tool that helps us figure out which foods might not be vibing well with your body? Yep, that’s the one.

Today, I want to delve into a topic that might not be on everyone’s radar but is definitely worth discussing: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, or SIBO for short. As a naturopathic doctor, I often see patients who are grappling with this condition, and it’s time we shed some light on it.

The digestive tract is central to optimal health. The gut is responsible for breaking down and absorbing nutrients, from the nutritious food that we eat. It is also responsible for the removal of wastes from the body. Good digestion means the absence of discomfort, optimal absorption, and motility.


Endothelial Damage from Inflammation Last month, I discussed hypertension as a PHYSICAL IRRITANT on the arteries. Think of smoking as a CHEMICAL IRRITANT.

Metabolic Health

Are you Metabolically Healthy? Metabolic Dysfunction is an exciting new term that we are using to describe your metabolic health which can be seen through body composition (the ratio of muscle to fat), early blood markers detecting imbalances and waist circumference.

Blood Sugar

What is insulin sensitivity versus insulin resistance? When we eat carbohydrates, our pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin tells the cells of our body to uptake glucose or sugar, removing it from our blood stream. When the cells listen to insulin’s message and respond by lowering our blood sugar, they are working well. Sugar moves out of our bloodstream into our cells. This is insulin sensitivity. This is what we want!