Summertime is upon us, and we know this is usually when most people start thinking about their overall health and fitness goals.
Discover how multiple factors can contribute to your Metabolic Health and Body Composition.
What You’re Eating and When
With all the information out there, things can start to get confusing. Especially when we talk about what we’re eating and at what time.
Through inquiry and investigation, your naturopathic doctor can take a look at your patterns and habits while utilizing functional testing to develop a personalized program, tailored to you.
Your naturopathic doctor will find the right balance of carbs, proteins, and fats to help you feel your best!
Hormonal Balance
Leptin, ghrelin? These are hormones that tell your body when to eat and when not to. Ghrelin which coincidentally or not sounds a lot like Gremlin is the hormone that tells your body to eat after midnight! Understanding the role of ghrelin can help us decipher your eating patterns.
Next is the stress hormone cortisol, which we all may have had in abundance this year. Cortisol causes your body to slow your metabolism in preparation for an oncoming threat or stressor and will make your body store body fat, especially around your middle.
Another important hormone is the thyroid hormone, which sets our metabolism and energy levels.
Disrupted Sleep
Balancing sleep and stress is a key component to understanding what’s going on in your body. Going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time is critical to success.
If you can’t fall asleep, or if you are waking in the night, this can give your doctor clues that need further investigation!
Inefficient Detoxification
When your body has extra toxins, it signals your body to hold onto extra body fat, as a way to cushion your healthy tissues against these toxins.
Your mitochondria, or calorie-burning factories, slow down when they are burdened with toxins. No weight balance plan would be complete without a liver cleanse!
Metabolic Code
You’re eating one way, but your genetics may be telling your body the opposite. This is why the diet your neighbour swears by might not be working for you! Your genes can give you the answers you’re looking for.